Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by Babymase.
The past few days I've had the opportunity to play bass for High School Camp in Fairmount, IN. Leading us in worship for the week is the good man Justin Johnson. I love the opportunity to lead worship with talented musicians like Justin. Not that God needs good musicians to worship, but I think it makes it so much easier to allow yourself to not focus on the act of playing and get past that to actually worshiping. The music becomes organic and a part of you as you play.

I don't know why this is or how even to explain it, except to say I will miss playing with Justin and the guys (Mark Shepherd, Geoff Buck, Caleb Swyers). At College Church I've had the priviledge to play with some amazing musician. But more than that they were all amazing worshipers. I will miss that. I hope I can find more musicians that love music and love Jesus to play with in Traverse City. Thank you to every one that has allowed me to worship with them at College Church you will be missed.

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