Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Last Call

Originally uploaded by Babymase.
Tonight is my last Bodyshop. If you know me you know that Bodyshop has meant a lot to my life. I will miss this place very much, but it's not the place that I will miss the most but the people. The students and the sponsors that I've gotten to work with over the last few years are quite frankly the coolest people in the world.
I'm not sure what tonight will bring, I'm sure laughter and tears, this group has been a huge part of my life and it will be tough to leave behind.
But God has new adventures for me to take part in. New people to meet, new friends to be had. I look forward to what God has for Lynnette and I, and at the same time take a moment to remember the great times that I've had here.

If you have any Bodyshop memories you'd like to share I would love to hear them, please post them to this entry.

.....Goodbye Old Friend


Samuel Bills said...

I remember trudging through the snow with a decibel meter when the new bodyshop went up to make sure we weren't pissing anybody off...and Darren announcing that for Bodyshop that night we were all going to a movie...and lugging a million pounds of sound equipment and setting it up in the IWU gym every Sunday night...and Todd doing the announcements...and dripping with sweat in McConn because even in the summer we left the stage lights on...and squeezing four desks and four macs into the makeshift office that was really a hallway outside the old bodyshop (now crazy looking green room)...and I remember lots of lunches at King Gyros and car trips in the Land Cruiser...and always being excited that we were part of something that God was doing that was fun and fresh and so worth it all.

Christin said...

I remember Todd and Troy doing the Top Ten List; I remember you as "Super Dave"; I remember sitting in the little makeshift office, in front of that huge mac that took up half the room; I remember those greasy cheese balls we'd fry in the snack shop; I remember listening to your awesome soccer song on your iPod through the big sound system.
Really an era has ended at Bodyshop now that you've left Dave. Oh, I'm nostalgic already!
But I'm so excited for you and Lynnette too. Keep us posted!

Jason Fry said...

well...i have more recent memories. everything from you taking my guitar during 04's Jr. High Weekend because we were being loud at 3:00 am or so...that weekend is still a going Paintballing in Ft. Wayne. There is tons in between and I must say I enjoyed the ride with you. I gained knowledge from you..stuff you don't get in a classroom, but moreover, I have you as a friend who cares. Thanks Dave. I'll see ya.