Monday, November 21, 2005

The Power of One

The Power of One
Originally uploaded by Babymase.
Lynnette and I had a chance to watch my favorite movie last night. If you have not watched this movie you have missed out on what I feel is the greatest film of the last 20 years. It's a story set against the backdrop of the racial tension in World War II South Africa. The context leaves room for amazing scenes of the beauty of Africa as well as the amazing music of the people. This is a movie of the triumph of one person against great persecution. If you have not seen this movie you must. It will inspire you to make a difference in the world you live. To quote the movie “a mighty water falls stars will a single drop of water”.

The movie got me thinking about my role on this planet. Am I working to make the world a better place? Can I, just one person, really make a difference anyways? I heard a quote that said “democracy is one generation away from extinction”. If this is true then it would also be true that poverty, hatred, injustice, etc can also be a generation away from extinction. If people will work to make the world a better place instead of complaining of the problems we now face maybe things will get better. If nothing else the church could become a place of unconditional love. Where people would feel comfortable seeking God no matter their age, skin color, style, history or whatever. Where the church could use love instead of guilt to draw people to Jesus.

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