Monday, September 7, 2009

New River Beach

This Labor Day we had the pleasure of heading up to New River Beach with our friends Dave & Corrine for an afternoon picnic. We figured that it was about time we headed up that way. We've lived here going on 4 years now and are just getting around to going to New River now. I've been told by many people that this beach is the nicest around, and as it turns out, I think they are right. It's a beautiful beach, and unlike many Fundy region beaches, it actually has sand (instead of the pebbles that most beaches around here have).

We had a great time and were able to get some great pictures (the joys of being married to a photographer). My thought now is how come it took me so long to go enjoy this place? And how many other places are just around me that I'm not taking advantage of? How often do we live in a place and never actually enjoy it? We drive by this beautiful landscape but never actually go explore it. We take our vacations to far off places, but during our "ordinary" lives we don't go do any of the fun things that are all around us. Like today, we drove by a cruise ship in the harbor. People actually take vacations and stop in Saint John, NB? What a thought?

I guess it's "the grass is alway greener" thing. So I'm trying to live my life in the now. Make the most out of where I'm at, when I'm at. Not look to the future and how things "can be" or look to the past and how things "were", but look and enjoy how things are right here, right now.

Anyways, those are my thoughts for the day... Enjoy

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