Friday, September 23, 2005

Life Goes On

Hey.. Life continues to be good for Lynnette and I. We continue to live in her parent's basement, which we've managed to make into a pretty nice little living space (let's just hope it doesn't flood). I will try and take some pics for everyone to see. As for Lynnette she is splitting her time between Ruby Tuesdays (waitress) and Curves for Women (fitness guru). I am continuing my pursuit of a Master's I am currently taking a class on the fine Wesleyan subject of holiness. I am right now reading Steve DeNeff's book "Holiness, Lies, and Videotape" (just kidding it's Whatever Became of Holiness). It's a little bit of a weird read because a lot of it has come up in his messages, so it's all a little familiar, which is a help to me since I usually have trouble wrapping my mind around these kinds of books (although I will say "Holiness for Ordinary People" by Drury was right up my alley and I still think it would be a best seller if it was titled Holiness for Dummies, but that's just me).

We should be sending in for my Green Card soon. Lynnette was getting some documents notarized today and so it should be good to go. Please pray that this process happens quickly. From they we will see. We will visit a church on Sunday near Detroit that is looking for a Youth Ministries Director. I don't know if it will lead to anything, but we'll see.

I guess that's it for now, thank you to all that have posted notes of encouragement, it's very soothing to know you have people that care about you out there.

Catch you on the flip.


. said...

Thanks for the updates and the pics! I check your blog often. We'll be praying for the processes (green card, job hunt). Lloyd would say "hi" if he were here with me! Love you guys!

Summers said...

Great place...starting to feel and look like home!
Got your email, I'll find out budget stuff and let you would be awesome to hang out in Grand Rapids!!!
By the wasy GO NOTRE DAME...they won the Ty Bowl :)
Talk with you soon, later!